How to care for your pet flame


    When lighting for the first time, allow the wax to melt to the edge of the glass. This is called creating a full pool and will allow for an even burn every time you light up.

  • trim your wick

    Always trim your wick to about 1/4” before use. It keeps the jar from getting too hot and cuts down on soot and popping.

  • 4 HOURS

    Do not burn your candle for more than 4 hours.


    Always keep your candle away from children. And cats. Definitely cats!


    Burn candle on a level surface away from any flammables and drafts.

  • SHHH

    If candle is continuously flicking (that popping noise), extinguish, trim the wick and relight.

Enjoy your candle.

Don’t be like my mother and say you don’t want to ruin them. (Love you, mom!) They were made to burn.